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Rome: Coliseum

  COLOSSEO, is the name with which is designated, since the high Middle Ages, the Anfiteatro Flavio, begun from Vespasiano in 72 and finished from the son Tito of the Flavia family in the 80.
  Along the gigantic perimeter of 527 m., on elliptic plant with the axis of 188 and 156 m., it raises until to 57 m., the solemn external architecture in travertine, to three overlapping plans of arched, on pillars to which the semicolumns of Doric , ionic and corinzio order are leaned.
  A fourth order of lesene corinzie crown the top, similar to an attic with small windows. In correspondence of this fourth order a crown of large console served of support for beams in order to sustain the velar and protect the spectators from the sun's ray.
  It was place of fights between gladiators, hunting of ferocious beasts and between ships.
  The fights between gladiators lasted until the 404 and were suppressed from Onorio.
  Those between the wild animals lasted until the half of the sixth century.

Rome: the altar of homeland

   The Vittoriano, monument to Vittorio Emanuele II, it faces the Venice public square, where ends the way of the Imperials Forums.
  Symbol of the caught up national unit, was begun in 1885 and inaugurated in 1911.
  The limestone dazzling white of Botticino (Brescia) is not harmonized with the warm colour of the travertine dominant in Rome.
The monument of classic inspiration, grow away from the heat of the most ancient constructions and surrounding ruins.
  The fundamental architectonic topic is constituted fromthe wide staircase that go up to the shelf of the native land altar, constituted from one architectonic composition, with in the middle the statue of ROME. The main stairs move apart on two staircase that converge to the shoulders of the altar, towards the statue of the king, reopening again in order to go up towards a width esplanade, the exedra, dominated by a portico.
  To the feet of the statue, from 1921 is the TOMBA DEL MILITE IGNOTO, with the remains of a Warrior, dead in war 1915-18, where constantly are present sentinels of honour.

Rome: the Empire Forums

  Forum of Caesar is one of the multiple constituent groups of the Roman Forum. Vary water course cross the places and they made one swampy valley. One of these course, since the earlier times, was channelled and, used also to dry out the valley, it begun the Maximum Cloak. Very soon in these places, the inhabitants of surrounding hills, Quirinale, Viminale, Palatino, Capitolino, Esquilino, the heights of the Velia were used to come for the market and it was said forum, perhaps from foras, because outside from the lived one.
  Fused the necks in a single city, defended from the rock of the Capitolium, become the centre of Rome, around to which, the buildings destined to private and publics transactions rose. To the times of Caesar a flat regulator transformed it in monumental centre of the city. The entire zone after the period of the forfeiture, the degradation, the decline, the abandonment emphasised in the Mediaeval period and of the Rinascimento begun pasture for the cattle and taken the name of Campo Vaccino.
  With COLA of Rienzo begins the interest for the memories of the antiquity, that they gradually took impulse towards an activity of constructive search and rediscovering ancient constructions that proceed actively.

Rome: Il portico di Ottavia

  The Portico of Ottavia, used as public walk, was one of those places builded near the Forum, destined instead mainly to public functions and private.
  It was commissioned by Quinto Cecilio Metello, nicknamed the Macedonico in the 146 b.C. It was repaired from August, that dedicated it to his sister Ottavia, from Settimio Severo and Caracalla. It delimited the side North of the Flaminio Circus.
  It was a porch with a double line of columns with rectangular plant in the middle of which were the temples of Jupiter, of Junon, the library of Ottavia and statues of bronze.
  The remainders are of the period of Settimio Severo. They regard the propileo of the entry, opened on one of short sides and was formed from columns corinzie on two rows: they remain two columns of front row and three of the posterior row with part of the trabeazione that they supported and the terminal arc of the Porch of right.

Rome: Carcere Mamertino

  In the area of the Forum, theCarcere Mamertino. Under the church of S. Giuseppe of the Carpenters, the XVI sec., is the Nail head of the Crocifisso. More low is the Mamertino Jail: two overlapping area build up those that in the last centuries were the jails of state and the destined place to the capitals executions.
  The area used as true jail (the Mamertino name is of mediaeval origin) is dated of the second half of the II sec. a.C.
  The inferior area, judged little posterior to the age of the Gallic invasion(387 a.C.) it was an ancient water tank that red-adapt, constituted the Tullianum, and was re-united to the jail. Here perished famous personages like Giugurta and Vercingetorige.
  After the sec. XVI the building was called S. Peter in jail. A middle age legend tells that Saint Peter, here imprisoned, with the made water to gush out miraculously from a source, christened the jailers, Processo and Martiniano, martyred.
  From here Saint Peter was lead on the Vatican hill, Saint Paul to Acque Salvie.

Rome: The Saint Paul decapitation

  The Abbey to the three fountains it rises on the place, where according to the tradition Saint Paul suffered the martyrdom of the decapitation; according to the legend the three Fontanels rose on the place where the head bounced three times. Soon three churches were raised. The Salvie Waters, were very soon abandoned because of the malaria.
  The land was cleared from the trappists that begun owners in 1868 and dipped the basilicas in a forest of eucalyptus.
  The bigger of the three churches is that of SS Vincenzo and Anastasio.
  Te second one, Saint Maria Scala Coeli.
  The third one, Saint Paul to the three Fontanels risen in V the century on the place of the martyrdom. In the inside three newspaper stands with the legendary miraculous Fontanels and three witness of the Saint recall the three bounces made to the action of the decapitation. In the pavement, a beautifulst mosaic Roman polychrome coming from Ostia with the personages of the four Seasons.
  The picture you look here represents a particular of the door.


  Saint Paul outside the walls named too Ostiense Basilica. Here Costantino transformed the Cella Memoriae of the Apostle of People in Basilica.
  In the middle of the QUADRIPORTICO in front of the facade, is the statue of Saint Paul. To its shoulders the Pronao of the facade with ten columns, each one in an only one block of granit rose of Baveno, high ten meters.
  The upper part, frames, in the golden mosaics, that they reflect the dazzling sunlight to the midday, the figure of the Christ benedictory, between Saint Peter and Paul; TheAgnus DEI on the hill, from which gush out the four rivers to quench the thirst of the Christian flock.

Rome: Le Catacombe di Domitilla

   The Catacombe of Domitilla or of the Ss. Nereo and Achilleo. is perhaps the bigger of Rome. The Etruscan custom of burring the defunct in the underground enters in the Roman custom. Such tendency was encouraged because of the minor cost of the land, against that one of superficial one, as space to use for the sepulchre. Domestic sepulchre of some Christian personages, takes their name from Domitilla, pertaining to the family of the Flavi, that is to the family of emperors Vespasiano and Domiziano. To their inside, over the tomb of the Ss Nereo and Achilleo the martyrs, than the legend wants servants of Domitilla, but that Damaso remembers like Roman soldiers, was erected the basilica who took the martyrs name.
Complitly covered, was discovered in 1874 and from the ruins brought to light it was deduced that perhaps had landslide to earthquake of the 897. It was restored in its original three navate structure, separated whit four columns and preceded by a nartece. 

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